Forums 501st French Garrison
Trésor de la Légion 501st - Version imprimable

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- Rico - 28-09-2011

De passage ils y a quelques jours chez nous en Belgique.

TS0842 a lancé sa chasse au trésor dans les rue de bruxelles.

Le trésor:
Nordic Garrison - 10th Anniversary (Ver. 1)
[Image: Nordic10.jpg]


- Defender_of_the_Empire - 28-09-2011

These are nice gifts, I'm not surprised you had such a kind idea, Kai my friend! 8)

And as Romeo said, if you are to come to France again, don't hesitate to give us a sign down here, we'll have some drink together!

Take care, Clement :wink:

- Trint Eastwood - 29-09-2011

Bummer for the ones like me who live a bit far from paris. Even if I am not a part of the 501st yet, it will happen.